Everyday is worth cherishing

Everyday is worth cherishing

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ending of semester one!

Okay.. Second time writing so not gonna write all over againπŸ˜• short update - 
Monday celebrated shikhin birthday at tampines so we had dinner at LENAS which is surprisingly nice! πŸ‘ well hope my girl enjoy the short meetup! Enjoy it so much because it's just catching up with all of them ☺️ 

On Tuesday, went to school in the morning and went home after Understanding Business test. Well hope I did okay for it πŸ˜… went home and bath waiting for sister to finish school and meet her at airport to send Siyu off as she's going for further studies.. It was quite unbearable even if I can't say in very close with her. After all we all went to the same secondary school, same cca, and moreover same section. All the memories we had are the bonds we had :') I hope she will come back a successful doctor! ☺️πŸ™† 

Next, today it's still as usual going to school and meet up with a buyer then come to hongwei house to visit roel. He's still as cute as ever and he's so smart now! He knows how to show me where is he's ear, he knows how to wave goodbye, he can kiss goodbye and he can also clap! I hope he will grow up continue being cute and healthy! I love u always πŸ™†πŸ’• 

End of sem one and it's a memorable one with 1B1! I love you all πŸ’•πŸ’• I hope we will all stay tgt and our friendships will never end! πŸ‘ 

Ofcourse not forgetting my favourite! I have been enjoying my school days because of them ❤️ Please stay in my life forever πŸ™† 
- Friends are like stars. They will leave but only the one that stays will shine - 

My life being a Poly student

  Semester One is finally over. After having two rounds of tests, project, presentation and exams we are finally half way through PFP!!!! Time seems to past so fast and I can't imagine it's just another blink of an eye before 1B1 splits up and meet new friends in our own new class next year.. I can say that 1B1 has been the best class I ever been in and there are so much awesome people I met :') so glad that I made the choice and came to PFP. And yes we no longer need to wake up early to catch bus or attend lessons for the next one month plus!! Poly student isn't that relax either, having to meet all the submission dates especially when it's all cramp in one week. Also, having to be attentive just to earn participation marks.. Meeting a uncooperative group mate can kill you too. Just by being late for one minute is consider absent! Well at least we do not have to bother about these for a month plus now :) but the thought of not being able to go to school to be accompanied by my friends and classmates is quite depressing too... 

So my plans for the holiday will be play hard, work hard. (; Time to look for a job preferably a more relax job. The previous job I had was kind of tiring and strict on attire wise. Thought of getting a part time retail job with my friends :) at the mean time we are gonna play hard! ^^ definitely using this month to earn as much as I can to fill back my bank account hahaha! Time to get a good rest and do the things I like during this holiday! :) Can't wait to start on it. And I'm gonna be more consistent in blogging my diaries. Till then, xoxo