Everyday is worth cherishing

Everyday is worth cherishing

Wednesday 27 August 2014

My life being a Poly student

  Semester One is finally over. After having two rounds of tests, project, presentation and exams we are finally half way through PFP!!!! Time seems to past so fast and I can't imagine it's just another blink of an eye before 1B1 splits up and meet new friends in our own new class next year.. I can say that 1B1 has been the best class I ever been in and there are so much awesome people I met :') so glad that I made the choice and came to PFP. And yes we no longer need to wake up early to catch bus or attend lessons for the next one month plus!! Poly student isn't that relax either, having to meet all the submission dates especially when it's all cramp in one week. Also, having to be attentive just to earn participation marks.. Meeting a uncooperative group mate can kill you too. Just by being late for one minute is consider absent! Well at least we do not have to bother about these for a month plus now :) but the thought of not being able to go to school to be accompanied by my friends and classmates is quite depressing too... 

So my plans for the holiday will be play hard, work hard. (; Time to look for a job preferably a more relax job. The previous job I had was kind of tiring and strict on attire wise. Thought of getting a part time retail job with my friends :) at the mean time we are gonna play hard! ^^ definitely using this month to earn as much as I can to fill back my bank account hahaha! Time to get a good rest and do the things I like during this holiday! :) Can't wait to start on it. And I'm gonna be more consistent in blogging my diaries. Till then, xoxo 

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