Everyday is worth cherishing

Everyday is worth cherishing

Thursday 16 October 2014

Universal Studios Singapore

So yesterday i went USS with so many lovely people! We was late and were suppose to meet at 9 hahaha! However everyone was late and we only reached vivo at 1015? We went to get ponchos for the wet ride! ^^ we were all so excited for the day and everything except the hot sunny weather :( But was glad that it didnt rain though. We bought the tix and my sis, me and weiying bought our six months annual pass! :D well its for $88 because we are students. Shikhin and Eugenia got the one day pass for $60. Moved on after we got in ad made our annual pass it was already 12 pm.. Hot sun but still everything was just started!! We walked and walked till we see a boat ride at one of the theme but its a simple boat ride with little water splashing :)  We went to the further part of USS (far far away) and we took a ride thats like a mini roller coaster in pink <3 It was rather short but fun!! Great excitement to boost our excitment. After which i think we went to sit the wet ride at the Jurassic park theme. We put on our ponchos and get ready to be wet!!!!! It was rather exciting though because we wont know we will get wet :p this time Eugenia was the unlucky one out of all of us hahaha!! And so we went to lots of other exciting one but i wanted to say the mummy one was really good πŸ‘πŸ‘! During the entire stay at USS we went to the munmmy ride at least four time HAHAHA! That ride was the most scarest and exciting one there at the moment!! It would be more fun if the blue and red roller coaster rides were not closed :/ But overall we did enjoyed ourselves at USS together!! <3333 

             At vivo 
           A pic to kick start the journey

Saturday 13 September 2014


Holiday started to be kind of a relax one ☺️ During the 3rd to 11th roel came over to stay because Cathy went oversea :) and I get to take care of that little angel for a week! :D well waking up early to give him milk then make sure he sleeps then I can fall back asleep in one thing, I have to make sure I accompany him the entire day and make sure he is not hurt and happy :) well this all can be really fun and enjoyable but at the same time I realized being a mother can be tough! 
This little angel have went home on thurs and I miss him so much!!!! 😩😩😩😩 on thur I went to work with weicheng at raffles place πŸ˜‚ omg it's such a good job! Can't wait for another one πŸ˜† 
After work we went to ikea to get some glasses for chalet πŸ˜† yay omg can't wait for chalet on Monday!!! 
And during this timing I have been down with fever, cough and flu :( have to get well before chalet! Although my cough isn't getting better still .... Argh so annoyed  
Shall blog about the class chalet soon! 😊😊 till then xoxo

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Ending of semester one!

Okay.. Second time writing so not gonna write all over againπŸ˜• short update - 
Monday celebrated shikhin birthday at tampines so we had dinner at LENAS which is surprisingly nice! πŸ‘ well hope my girl enjoy the short meetup! Enjoy it so much because it's just catching up with all of them ☺️ 

On Tuesday, went to school in the morning and went home after Understanding Business test. Well hope I did okay for it πŸ˜… went home and bath waiting for sister to finish school and meet her at airport to send Siyu off as she's going for further studies.. It was quite unbearable even if I can't say in very close with her. After all we all went to the same secondary school, same cca, and moreover same section. All the memories we had are the bonds we had :') I hope she will come back a successful doctor! ☺️πŸ™† 

Next, today it's still as usual going to school and meet up with a buyer then come to hongwei house to visit roel. He's still as cute as ever and he's so smart now! He knows how to show me where is he's ear, he knows how to wave goodbye, he can kiss goodbye and he can also clap! I hope he will grow up continue being cute and healthy! I love u always πŸ™†πŸ’• 

End of sem one and it's a memorable one with 1B1! I love you all πŸ’•πŸ’• I hope we will all stay tgt and our friendships will never end! πŸ‘ 

Ofcourse not forgetting my favourite! I have been enjoying my school days because of them ❤️ Please stay in my life forever πŸ™† 
- Friends are like stars. They will leave but only the one that stays will shine - 

My life being a Poly student

  Semester One is finally over. After having two rounds of tests, project, presentation and exams we are finally half way through PFP!!!! Time seems to past so fast and I can't imagine it's just another blink of an eye before 1B1 splits up and meet new friends in our own new class next year.. I can say that 1B1 has been the best class I ever been in and there are so much awesome people I met :') so glad that I made the choice and came to PFP. And yes we no longer need to wake up early to catch bus or attend lessons for the next one month plus!! Poly student isn't that relax either, having to meet all the submission dates especially when it's all cramp in one week. Also, having to be attentive just to earn participation marks.. Meeting a uncooperative group mate can kill you too. Just by being late for one minute is consider absent! Well at least we do not have to bother about these for a month plus now :) but the thought of not being able to go to school to be accompanied by my friends and classmates is quite depressing too... 

So my plans for the holiday will be play hard, work hard. (; Time to look for a job preferably a more relax job. The previous job I had was kind of tiring and strict on attire wise. Thought of getting a part time retail job with my friends :) at the mean time we are gonna play hard! ^^ definitely using this month to earn as much as I can to fill back my bank account hahaha! Time to get a good rest and do the things I like during this holiday! :) Can't wait to start on it. And I'm gonna be more consistent in blogging my diaries. Till then, xoxo 

Sunday 13 July 2014

My weekends

It's been long since I blog so yea here I am to update about my life. So this few weeks have been like school? Yea R&R again and all.. Projects and tests.. Well something else is I'm single now. Which I feel more free and less commitment for relationship. Was really happy that we are still friends though :) two years plus was a long journey but never gonna regret. So yea friends once again. Never ending friendship. 

This weekend since fri I have no school so I went to buy grocery and cooked pasta ^^ cooked for Daryl and maid too. P.S although it's cooked by me and my maid hahah! Anyw the mushroom was too salty.!! Well anyw it's still edible and yeaa.. I think it's nice la haha! Spend some time with Daryl doing my work and yea just hanging out :) went for dinner with my bro and hongwei. We went to eat subway at singpost hehe. And after that back home when they started playing 2K14 basketball with the pS3 I'm just sitting beside using my comp. well pretty much fri ends here.  

Saturday, I went to my grandparents house early in the morning. And ofcourse breakfast and continue sleeping XD slept till probably 11-12? Then prepare to go out with my bro and hongwei again. We were planning to catch the dawn of the something ape? Hahah! Ps. Can't remember.. Yeap so while waiting for my bro I went to hw house to look for roel ^^ took some photos there because I'm bored yea. Upon reaching town at 4? Our movie starts at 4:30 so ofcourse smoothie king can't be missed :D my favourite will be strawberry extreme!!!!!!! <3 omg loves!!! Ordered a large and I finished it myself ! Hahah! Well the movie was nice and I found that I'm starting to find ape is cute >< well 'ape don't kill ape' it was touching and inspiring to be like the leader of ape! I like his bravery and his ability to lead and make everyone respect him. Indeed a nice movie ^^ after the movie we ate sakae sushi at scape:) kinda peak period and they were under manpower... Haha but well understandable :) the manager is friendly. After which we walked around for a little while and we went back. Was supposed to play bball but in the end we stayed at home while they play 2K 14 I used my comp haha. Standard routine actually :/ well Saturday ended too. 
 #ootd hahah! 
Fat ... Me haha

Sunday, woke up at 830 walked to mrt to have breakfast like usual :) just that the venue changes heh. I had char Kway tiao which is not bad though. Last week I had lor mee which is really awesome!!! But the queue was damn long that I don't want to queue.... So well walked home and lay on my bed until my mom came in to asked me to wrapped my nephew and niece birthday presents for their next week birthday party. Wrapped till 12 then prepare to go town to meet a buyer :) selling things away bit by bit still an accomplishment at least hahah! Sister accompany me though but we went to a flea too. Bought like so much clothings but it's never enough!!!! Spent like $50++ today and like omg I wanna shop more!!!!! Bought macaroons too and yeaa drank another cup of strawberry extreme today :D went home after that and start to prepare for at night buffet! By celebrating grandparents birthday we order catering and yeap relatives are all coming!! Great to see most of them :) had dinner and chat with my cousin Ivan and realized time flies and he's alr 22 and I'm alr 17. Reminsing the past when we are all young and all the cousins played together. Childhood yea... Watched the tv and then we sang birthday songs and cut the cake. The cake bought by second aunt was really nice so much love heh. Ate like two diff kinds of cake and then played with my nephew Owen. Played for one to two hours till my voice changed. Omg he's so hyper and so active.  Somthing I really like about him is he's so brave whenever he hit his head because of my double decker bed he doesn't cry and still told me it's not pain. Such adorable guy! Well around 9 I reached hongwei house to look for roel. And he and Wenjian cause they are studying. And yeap roel is so cranky!!! Doesn't wants to sleep and was in bad temper :/ omg even I'm scared of him. Went home at 10.. Talked to Daryl for awhile then I'm on bed typing my weekend story ^^ so yeap sunday ends here and tomorrow there's school T.T!!!!! Haish... Goodnights guys. 

- never ending daily dose of happiness - 

Friday 20 June 2014

Thursday's movie date

My Thursday started with watching drama. Since midnight till 6:30am I have been watching drama, crazily wasting my sleep away... Waking up at 7 only to realize it's time to head to my grandma house TO CONTINUE SLEEP XD however I had to wake up and prepare to go out with my sis and Eugenia (; I'm actually quite excited to wath the fault in our stars therefore we head down to cine leisure to watch that ^^ luckily there's still seat when we reached to buy the tix ☺️ While waiting for the show to start we had an hour so we decided to chill in Smoothie King :D 
*selfie V(^_^)V 
They bought a drink that includes banana Paasionfruit and other fruit I guess and it taste really not bad compared to the thought of it O_O however the another drink was awesome!! It was strawberry and it really taste nice :D the first sip was not that good but the continuous sip was really inresistable >< so we waited till 1:50pm and I decided to try another flavor and bring it in the theatre which is the same kind as strawberry (blueberry delight) but I was kinda disappointed with it though :( strawberry was way nicer (: 
The movie was starting and I think many people laugh and cried in the movie I personally thinks that it's quite a good movie and I must say everyone's preference is different :) after the movie we finally go for out lunch :/ At eighteen chef ofcourse!! Since it was 3-4pm therefore the serving was really fast ^^ we didn't even had to ask for the ice cream they automatically gave it to us after they saw us finishing our meal (: that day was awesome since it was long I ever went out with my sis and ofcourse Eugenia ^^ another memorable day indeed which it's why it's worth writing it here to always be a day included in my #dailydoseofhappiness ^^ 

P.S short hair :/ but didn't feel sad at all instead it was easier to maintain and it feels so light ^^ in love <3 wether it suit me or not... 

End the day by going home and sleep πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ that's all for Thursday :D 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Fathers' day

Yes today it's fathers' day! By waking up in the morning my siblings and mother bought daddy to sentosa :D eating breakfast at near daddy's site as he needed to pass somthing ;) After eating, we drove to sentosa! But it rained halfway but it stopped by the time we reached there ^^ we sat the sky ride and luge for two times!:D 
- LUGE -
By the time we finished it was raining.. We had to stay in the shelter therefore we decide to eat Mcdonals before heading to take the tram(; we took the tram and we decided to alight at Palawan Beach it had a beautiful bridge and we just had to cross it. 
Anddddd the bridge ^^

Afterwards we walked along the beach but was tired so we did not take any photos until we head home.. Everyone was tired and we all took a nap and decided to visit grandpa in the hospital in the evening (: after all it's fathers' day!! I hope everyone enjoy the day! Until then~(;