Everyday is worth cherishing

Everyday is worth cherishing

Friday 20 June 2014

Thursday's movie date

My Thursday started with watching drama. Since midnight till 6:30am I have been watching drama, crazily wasting my sleep away... Waking up at 7 only to realize it's time to head to my grandma house TO CONTINUE SLEEP XD however I had to wake up and prepare to go out with my sis and Eugenia (; I'm actually quite excited to wath the fault in our stars therefore we head down to cine leisure to watch that ^^ luckily there's still seat when we reached to buy the tix ☺️ While waiting for the show to start we had an hour so we decided to chill in Smoothie King :D 
*selfie V(^_^)V 
They bought a drink that includes banana Paasionfruit and other fruit I guess and it taste really not bad compared to the thought of it O_O however the another drink was awesome!! It was strawberry and it really taste nice :D the first sip was not that good but the continuous sip was really inresistable >< so we waited till 1:50pm and I decided to try another flavor and bring it in the theatre which is the same kind as strawberry (blueberry delight) but I was kinda disappointed with it though :( strawberry was way nicer (: 
The movie was starting and I think many people laugh and cried in the movie I personally thinks that it's quite a good movie and I must say everyone's preference is different :) after the movie we finally go for out lunch :/ At eighteen chef ofcourse!! Since it was 3-4pm therefore the serving was really fast ^^ we didn't even had to ask for the ice cream they automatically gave it to us after they saw us finishing our meal (: that day was awesome since it was long I ever went out with my sis and ofcourse Eugenia ^^ another memorable day indeed which it's why it's worth writing it here to always be a day included in my #dailydoseofhappiness ^^ 

P.S short hair :/ but didn't feel sad at all instead it was easier to maintain and it feels so light ^^ in love <3 wether it suit me or not... 

End the day by going home and sleep 😂😂😂 that's all for Thursday :D 

Sunday 15 June 2014

Fathers' day

Yes today it's fathers' day! By waking up in the morning my siblings and mother bought daddy to sentosa :D eating breakfast at near daddy's site as he needed to pass somthing ;) After eating, we drove to sentosa! But it rained halfway but it stopped by the time we reached there ^^ we sat the sky ride and luge for two times!:D 
- LUGE -
By the time we finished it was raining.. We had to stay in the shelter therefore we decide to eat Mcdonals before heading to take the tram(; we took the tram and we decided to alight at Palawan Beach it had a beautiful bridge and we just had to cross it. 
Anddddd the bridge ^^

Afterwards we walked along the beach but was tired so we did not take any photos until we head home.. Everyone was tired and we all took a nap and decided to visit grandpa in the hospital in the evening (: after all it's fathers' day!! I hope everyone enjoy the day! Until then~(; 

Friday 6 June 2014

Term 1 of TP PFP life

This shall act as a diary of my life after my secondary school! After being so curious of how poly life is like and the new friends I'm gonna make, I finally survived the first term of pfp! Ofcourse the first group of people I wanna mention is my bbgs 'Wan ni, Gracia, and Charmaine' <3 words can't explain how interesting you guys made my poly life :') 
Secondly, ofcourse it's 1B1 :) I'm glad that 1B1 is a bonded class and I have never been in such a bonded class before and I'm grateful to everyone that made it possible :')
So since poly started we have all been through a lot together :) projects, presentations, lessons, tests, and even PUNISHMENT! Hahaha 
This is where we all started!^^ First time seeing one another :)
My first outing with you guys :D
Our first visit at Charmaine's house :p
Our first formal presentation!! 
Out first attempt to take photo at the ootd wall hahahah!! 

So much first time with you all <3 Term 1 had passed and I'm still so glad I met you guys (':  it's holidays now and I'm gonna miss my bitches so much T.T 

Lastly, I love you guys <3